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Five Additional Athletic Signings

Five Additional Athletic Signings

We're happy to announce five additional SGAHS student-athletes made the commitment to pursue post-secondary athletics and academics. Congratulations to all! Soar high, Rockets!

Wishing you all the best of luck as you embark on this new journey!

HS - Athletic Signings, Macey Baum

Macey Baum: West Chester University, Volleyball


HS - Athletic Signings, Avin Myers

Avin Myers: Albright College, Basketball 


HS - Athletic Signings, Jack Reichart

Jack Reichart: St. Vincent College, Baseball 


HS - Athletic Signings, Emili Stare 

Emili Stare: Avernia College, Lacrosse 


HS - Athletic Signings ,Miakoda Young 

Miakoda Young: Penn State Mont Alto, Softball