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Class of 2024's Presidential Candidates Shine in Friendly Debate Session

Class of 2024's Presidential Candidates Shine in Friendly Debate Session


Excitement is brewing in the Class of 2024 as the race for the position of President heats up during this year's class officer elections. The class has five highly capable candidates vying for the role. To provide the student body with a better insight into their potential leaders, they collaborated with Advanced Video Journalism (AVJ) students to organize a friendly debate session with a group interview.

From left to right in the picture above, candidates are Austin James, Evan Hogan, Carolyne Rohrbaugh, Brooke Herr, and Sophia Dietrich. The moderator is Katy Wyrick.  AVJ students Zachary Smith, Zachary West, Caden Skelly, and Joey Balmer were not pictured but also integral.

Stay tuned as the Class of 2024 continues demonstrating their commitment to making a difference and shaping a brighter future for their classmates and the school community.