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2024 SGASF and Senior Award Winners

2024 SGASF and Senior Award Winners

Congratulations to the recipients of scholarships awarded to the SGAHS Class of 2024!

Honored 2024 Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund Recipients:

  • Landon Bailey - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000
  • Macey Baum - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000; Women's Club of SG Scholarship, $1,000; Annie and Melvin Sterner Scholarship, $500; Aycock Family Memorial Scholarship, $500
  • Adam Bell - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000
  • Ethan Bohn - Spring Grove Elementary PTO Scholarship, $500; SG Area Historical Preservation Society Scholarship, $500
  • Madison Bortner - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000
  • McKenzie Boyer - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000; Ashlyn Stambaugh Memorial Scholarship, $500; Seven Valleys Lions Memorial Scholarship, $500; Staff Sgt. Gordon Edward Myers, USAF/SGHS Class of 1964 Memorial Scholarship, $500; SG Athletic Booster Club, $500
  • Katelyn Bubb - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000
  • Blair Byrd - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000
  • Natalia Dab - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000
  • Dominic DeRienzo - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000
  • Sophia Dietrich - John & Beverly Opilo Technology Scholarship, $1,000; The Ron Waugh Memorial Art Scholarship, $540; Jefferson Marriage Fund Scholarship, $500
  • Hayden Dixon - Robert T. Lemmon Electrical Memorial Scholarship, $7,500; Harry Smeltz Memorial Scholarship, $500; John H. Schuman Scholarship, $250; ITF Trophies in Memory of Harold B. Rudisill, $25
  • Abigail Dressler - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $500; New Salem Elementary PTO, $500
  • Callie Drew - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $500; SG Lumberjax Lacrosse Club Scholarship, $500
  • Kaitlyn Edwards - Pigeon Hills Scholarship, $500; SG Elementary PTO Scholarship, $500; Middle School Student Council Andrew Glatfelter Memorial Scholarship, $250
  • Claire Elliott - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000
  • Tyler Ettinger - Kevin Patrick Linch Memorial Scholarship, $1,000
  • Emma Evans - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000
  • Oluwapelumi Racheal Fadare - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000; Greg Hodnett Foundation Scholarship Fund, $1,500; 2023 Battle of the Classes Scholarship, $1,000; Law Offices of Craig A. Diehl Scholarship, $700; YCCF Dorothy Moore - Stauffer Scholarship, $1,700
  • Caitlin Gandionco - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000
  • Ava German - Gwen Longenecker Bostic Scholarship, $500; Luckenbaugh Annual Alma Mater Award, $500; Heidelberg Elementary/Lois Whisler Scholarship, $350; YCCF Norman S. Danner Memorial Scholarship, $1,000
  • Tanner Glace - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000; York New Salem Lions Club Scholarship, $1,000; Paul E. Bosserman Memorial Scholarship, $1,000; Bryan S Henry Memorial Scholarship - Trade, $1,000; YCCF Andrew J. Hershey Memorial Scholarship, $1,304; SG Music Booster Club, $1,500
  • Tanner Grim - Bryan S Henry Memorial Scholarship - Athlete, $1,000; Spring Grove Youth Athletic Association, $1,000; Papertown Pinners, $750; SG Athletic Booster Club, $500
  • Emily Hagerman - Ryans Hope Agricultural Scholarship, $1,500
  • Haley Hake - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000; SG Music Booster Club, $500
  • Isabella Hale - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000
  • Adam Hobbs - Bryan S Henry Memorial Scholarship - Community Service, $1,000
  • Emily Huber - Eleanor Thatcher Scholarship, $1,000; John Essock Memorial Scholarship, $1,000; David & Donna Renaut Education Scholarship, $1,000
  • Cora Keener - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000; Glatfelter Family Scholarship Fund Scholarship, $4,000; St. Paul Lutheran Church Scholarship, $2,000; Mary Grace Hobbs Memorial Scholarship, $1,500; YCCF Doris Schwartz Scholarship, $4,500; SG Athletic Booster Club, $500
  • Tori Kehm - York Precision Machining & Hydraulics Scholarship, $1,000
  • Forrest Kintner - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000
  • Leland Klinedinst - SG Music Booster Club, $1,000
  • Leah Martin - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $500; Stephanie Lynn Restuccia Memorial Scholarship, $500
  • Juliana Mascaro - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000; Ryan’s Hope Nursing Scholarship, $1,500; Shonna Diehl Memorial Scholarship Class of ‘88, $1,200; Windy Hill Senior Center Memorial Scholarship, $1,000
  • Sophia McCachren - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000
  • Dawson McMaster - Leo and Lalo Garcia Memorial Scholarship - SG Soccer Association, $700; SG Youth Basketball Association Scholarship, $500; SG Athletic Booster Club, $500
  • Evelyn Messinger - SG Music Booster Club, $500
  • Brayden Mills - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000
  • Kristen Mummert - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000; Yazoo Mills Inc Business Scholarship, $5,000; Susquehanna Bank Scholarship, $1,000; Windy Hill Senior Center Memorial Scholarship, $1,000; YCCF Anna, Bennett & John Pearson Scholarship, $1,500
  • Nizeah Mummert - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000; SG Athletic Booster Club, $500
  • Rachael Myers - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000
  • Valerie Myers - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000
  • Chloe Noel - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $190; Pfc. Cameron Stambaugh Scholarship, $810
  • Nathan Odachowski - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000
  • Ava Plummer - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000
  • Gracie Rabenstine - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $500; Ryan’s Hope Vocational Scholarship, $500
  • Finley Ritenour - SG Music Booster Club, $750
  • Carolyne Rohrbaugh - Bryan S Henry Memorial Scholarship - Trade, $1,000; Bryan S Henry Memorial Scholarship - Athlete, $1,000; Bryan S Henry Memorial Scholarship - Community Service, $1,000
  • Jacob Ross - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $100; SG Area Historical Preservation Society Scholarship, $500; Emily Jo Emig Memorial Scholarship, $400; SG Music Booster Club, $500
  • Cowan Ruhland - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1000
  • Peyton Ruhland - SG Education Association Scholarship, $1,000; Donna Hake Memorial Scholarship, $1,000; Harry Smeltz Memorial Scholarship, $500; YCCF Norman S. Danner Memorial Scholarship Fund, $1,000
  • Henry Rumbaugh - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000; The Klinedinst Family Scholarship, $12,000; The Ruth Shaberly Memorial Scholarship, $1,500; Raymond Rabenstine Memorial Scholarship, $1,000
  • Carley Schuckman - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1000
  • Ainsley Schwab - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $50; Leo and Lalo Garcia Memorial Scholarship - SG Soccer Association, $700; Outstanding SG Athlete Scholarship, $250; SG Athletic Booster Club, $500
  • Zachary Smith - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $400; Donald P. Smith, Jr. Memorial Scholarship, $600
  • Anna Snyder - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1000
  • Mallory Snyder - Seven Valleys Lions Memorial Scholarship, $500; SG Excalibur Chapter of National Honor Society Scholarship, $500: Stock and Leader, $500
  • Avery Spangler - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1000
  • Emma Stambaugh - Kennie’s Markets Scholarship, $1,000; Melissa Hamme Braden Memorial Scholarship, $500; Elizabeth Swartz Hoke Memorial Scholarship, $250
  • Charles Stewart - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1000
  • Jacob Trees - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $500; Paradise Elementary PTO Scholarship, $500
  • Ashlyn Tyson - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000; The Lee H. Sands Music Scholarship, $1,000; The Brahmbhatt Family Scholarship, $500; Heidler Roofing Services Scholarship, $500; SG Music Booster Club, $750
  • Austin Ural - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $500; SG Lumberjax Lacrosse Club Scholarship, $500
  • Anberlin Weaver - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1000
  • Kathryn Wyrick - Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund, $1,000; The Klinedinst Family Scholarship, $5,000; 2023 New Salem Elementary School Penny Drive Scholarship, $1,000; SG Intermediate PTO Scholarship, $1,000
  • Miakoda Young - Spring Grove Youth Athletic Association, $1000
  • Wendy Zheng - Greg Hodnett Foundation Scholarship Fund, $1,500; SG Excalibur Chapter of National Honor Society Scholarship, $500; Thespian Society Scholarship, $500

Honored 2024 Senior Award Winners:

  • Macey Baum - District III Fackler-Hower Sportsmanship Award; E. Jerry Brooks Academic Excellence Award
  • Ethan Bohn - Spring Grove VFW 5265 Auxiliary Scholarship
  • McKenzie Boyer - TFEC York Rotary Foundation Rosenmiller Family Scholarship
  • Laila Campbell - United States Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Award; Spring Grove Outstanding Female Athlete Award
  • Jorge Caraballo - Quincy Jones Musicianship Award
  • Natalia Dab - E. Jerry Brooks Academic Excellence Award
  • Hayden Dixon - E. Jerry Brooks Academic Excellence Award; YBA Workforce Now Trades Scholarship
  • Kaitlyn Edwards - Spring Grove VFW 5265 SPC Cameron J. Stambaugh Scholarship; United States Marine Corps Scholastic Excellence Award
  • Tanner Glace - Louis Armstrong Jazz Award; SGAHS Jazz Hall of Fame; John Philip Sousa Band Award; United States Marine Corps Semper Fidelis Award for Musical Excellence; Glatco Credit Union William J. Bowker Scholarship; YBA Workforce Now Trades Scholarship
  • Tanner Grim - E. Jerry Brooks Academic Excellence Award
  • Michael Hershey - United States Marine Corps Distinguished Athlete Award; Spring Grove Outstanding Male Athlete Award
  • Leland Klinedinst - Fred Waring's Director's Award for Chorus; Patrick S. Gilmore Band Award
  • Landon Leppo - Central Region School Facility Managers Scholarship
  • Sophia McCachren - Spring Grove Lions Club Fred Burns Memorial Scholarship
  • Evelyn Messinger - Fred Waring's Director's Award for Chorus
  • Nizeah Mummert - PATMOS Masonic Lodge Scholarship; York Alumni Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Scholarship
  • Gracie Rabenstine - E. Jerry Brooks Academic Excellence Award
  • Peyton Ruhland - Rotary Club of Hanover Scholarship
  • Henry Rumbaugh - Belco Community Bank Elton Miller-Peterman Scholarship; District III Fackler-Hower Sportsmanship Award; E. Jerry Brooks Academic Excellence Award; Pennlive Best & Brightest, Spring Grove Lions Club Scholarship; Hanover Kiwanis Club Scholarship; Central Region School Facility Managers Scholarship; United States Marine Corps Scholastic Excellence Award; Conewago Enterprises Charitable Foundation Scholarship
  • Ainsley Schwab - E. Jerry Brooks Academic Excellence Award
  • Mallory Snyder - Glatco Credit Union William J. Bowker Scholarship
  • Ashlyn Tyson - National School Choral Award
  • Juliana Weaver - Director's Award for High School Band
  • Amiyah White - Spring Grove Swim Club Scholarship
  • Kathryn Wyrick - Spring Grove Swim Club Scholarship
  • Miakoda Young - E. Jerry Brooks Academic Excellence Award
  • Wendy Zheng - Exchange Club of Spring Grove A.C.E. Award