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Our School

Spring Grove Area High School Philosophy

The staff and administration of Spring Grove Area High School realize the importance of recognizing all students as unique individuals with varying cultural heritages, family backgrounds, religious beliefs, and distinctive talents, abilities, and goals.

Therefore, we endeavor to provide an atmosphere conducive to all students' growth and learning process by providing school-related activities involving peer groups and faculty interaction. All students are offered diverse courses and activities to acquire at least a level of competency in basic skills commensurate to their abilities and, at best, an advanced mastery in their personal area of expertise. We desire to prepare the students for possible further education and full-time employment, enabling them to lead fulfilling lives, act as responsible citizens, and adapt to our rapidly changing world.

2024-2025 School Profile

SGAHS Alma Mater

Hail to thee, our Alma Mater, as we journey through
All the years that lie before us, we will e'er be true.
Years within thy walls are cherished, filled with happy days.
All these memories will remain within our hearts always.
Hold our banner, Blue and White, always to the sky.
Ever in our hearts and minds are thoughts of Spring Grove High.

Spring Grove Area High School Contact Information

Address: 1490 Roth Church Road, Spring Grove, PA 17362
Phone: 717-225-4731 X7060
Fax: 717-225-9328 - Attendance Office
Fax: 717-225-7317 - Nurse/Counseling Office
CEEB: 394670

Staff Directory

To find contact information for other staff members, please visit our searchable Staff Directory.

Searchable Staff Directory

Administrative and Main Office Contacts

Dr. David Dietrich

School: 7060

Christian Ehrhart

Associate Principal
School: 7058

Elysia Ehrich

Assistant Principal
School: 7056

Michael Snell

Assistant Principal
School: 7057

Ryan Lehman

Special Education Supervisor
School: 6077

Jeffrey Laux

Athletic Director
School: 7501

Monica Eckenrode

Administrative Assistant - Athletics
School: 7500

Erin Ramsay

Administrative Assistant - Building
School: 7060

Wendy Speir

School Nurse - High School
School: 7088

Amber Sauble

Health Room Assistant Nurse
School: 7086

Cheri Lorey

Administrative Assistant - High School
School: 7061

Meredith McCoury Howard

Administrative Assistant - Counseling Department
School: 7070

Meagan Robertson

Administrative Assistant - Counseling
School: 7071

School Counseling Office Contacts

Michaela Landis

School Counselor, Last Names A-F
School: 7074

Christopher Fake

School Counselor, Last Names M-R
School: 7076

Carrie Schmoyer

School Counselor, Last Names S-Z
School: 7075

Shannon Engles

School Social Worker
School: 7077

Lisa Crnovic

School Psychologist
School: 7079

DaleAnn Wright

Administrative Assistant - Counseling Department

Gregory Hess

School Counselor, Last Names G-L
School: 7073

Cheryl Bohnert

Administrative Assistant - Career Center
School: 7021

Meredith McCoury Howard

Administrative Assistant - Counseling Department
School: 7070

Meagan Robertson

Administrative Assistant - Counseling
School: 7071