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Fishing Club Trout Cam

Trout jumping out of river at sunset

Pennsylvania Trout in the Classroom

The Spring Grove Area High School Fishing Club is participating in the Pennsylvania Trout in the Classroom program through its partnership with the Codorus Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited. The program offers students a chance to raise salmonids in a classroom setting and then release them into a nearby stream or river. Caring for the fish fosters a conservation ethic in the students, and the act of walking to a stream bank and directly releasing the fingerlings into the water makes a concrete connection between caring for the fish and caring for the water. Trout Unlimited has kindly sponsored the equipment to allow our students to raise the fish from eggs to juvenile trout.

Raising the Trout

trout eggs in water tank

The trout tank is located in the Integrated Arts Center (IAC) at Spring Grove Area High School. Members of the Fishing Club will check the tank daily for proper water quality and ensure the fish have an acceptable water environment for them to grow. Once the fish reach the appropriate size, they will be released into one of our local streams. Because of this, they cannot be treated like regular aquarium fish. They must be raised as a possible human food source so the tank can only be treated with salt. The Fishing Club has been working to establish a healthy bacterial colony in the tank that will mimic the natural sources of nature. The tank is chilled to approximately 56 degrees and has multiple methods of oxygen production, similar to a running stream in the wild.

This partnership has encouraged our students to get involved with their community and enjoy the outdoors while promoting conservation for future generations. 

24-Hour Live Trout Cam/Recap Video

The trout cam began live streaming on April 4, 2024, and remained live until the first week in May 2024. You can view the recap video courtesy of our student SGLive Crew.

Direct YouTube link