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Scholarship Opportunities

Important Notes

For any and all applications to be submitted by the Counseling Office, you must ensure you have turned in all required documentation. This includes the application, essays, letters of recommendation, and any other supplemental documents. It is not advisable to wait until the day of or the day before due dates to seek help on a scholarship.  If you have questions about scholarships, requirements, documentation needed, deadlines, etc., please see reach out to the Counseling Office as soon as possible so that we can best assist you.

Transcript Requests for Scholarships

Scholarships will often ask for transcripts.  Sometimes they will accept an unofficial copy, while other times it must be official.  Below, you will find the differences between these two transcript types and how to go about requesting/obtaining them.

Official Transcript - signed, dated, stamped, sealed, and sent by a school official; remains official only when sealed and/or submitted directly by the school.  If a scholarship requires an official transcript, you must submit the application and all supplemental documentation to the Counseling Office at least ONE WEEK prior to the scholarship's deadline - this is to ensure we can process your documentation in a timely manner.  We typically will backdate a scholarships due date on the bulletin below if the scholarship requires an official transcript.  Once all materials are submitted to us, office staff will then complete an official transcript and submit everything to the scholarship on your behalf.

Unofficial Transcript - unsigned, undated, unstamped, and unsealed; not required to be submitted directly by the school.  Current students can obtain updated transcript copies in their student Sapphire portal.  Any scholarship not requiring an official transcript can be submitted by the student unless otherwise indicated in the scholarship's requirements.


LAST UPDATED 1/22/2025

Marine Option Scholarship

Start your application online at the link above or contact your local Marine Recruiter Captain Samuel L. Davey at

YBA Workforce NOW Foundation Scholarships

In alignment with our efforts to build the future of the skilled trade industry and help students explore career paths, the YBA Workforce NOW Foundation offers scholarship opportunities for students who plan to build a career in the skilled trades, and students that are dependents of York Builders Association members.

Our scholarship sponsors make the Trades Scholarship, Tool Scholarship, and YBA Member Scholarship possible.  Hundreds of students have been awarded scholarships through the YBA Workforce NOW program since its inception.

US Senate Youth Scholarship Program

The United States Senate Youth Scholarship Program offers an outstanding opportunity for exceptional student leaders. The program features an all-expense paid, week-long program (March 1-8, 2025) in Washington, D.C., as well as the award of a $10,000 collegiate scholarship to each of two student delegates from each state.

The Garden Clubs of District IV - various deadlines

The Garden Club Federation of Pennsylvania (GCFP) is offering thirteen scholarships to students who plan to further their education in Agriculture Education, Agronomy, Floriculture, Horticulture, Landscape Architecture, Botany, Biology (excluding Medical), Conservation, Environmental Concerns (Management: Environmental Engineering, Conservation, etc.), Forestry, Plant Pathology, City (Rural/Urban) Planning, Wildlife Science, Land Management, and/or allied subjects. Each Scholarship Award is a minimum of $1,000.00.

The Society for Manufacturing Engineers Scholarship - Due 02/01/2025

The Society for Manufacturing Engineers offers college scholarships to graduating high school seniors who plan to enroll in a college major related to Manufacturing Technology and/or Engineering.

2025 Best & Brightest Award - Due 03/05/2025

The PA Media Group’s Best and Brightest program honors 20 high school seniors each year who represent the potential of their class.

Best and Brightest 2025 will be our 33rd year of honoring exceptional students who excel in academics, service to school and community and extracurricular activities.

Seniors must attend a public or independent high school or be home-schooled or attend cyber school in Adams, Cumberland, Dauphin, Franklin, Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon, Perry or York counties.

Pennsylvania Association of Rural and Small School - Due 2/01/2025

William and Debrah Pettigrew Scholarship Bill Pettigrew will provide a donation of $10,000 to be utilized for an annual $1,000 scholarship for a graduating high school student who wishes to attend college to become a teacher. Both Bill and his late wife Debrah, worked over 50 years in public education. Debrah was a speech and language instructor, and Bill was a long-time superintendent of schools and an original, and founding father member of the PARSS board.

PACAC Scholarships - Due 02/03/2025

The PACAC Scholarships are for high school seniors graduating from PACAC member high schools. This scholarship is intended to support a student's goal of continuing their education.

Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund Scholarship - Due 2/13/2025

The Spring Grove Area Scholarship Fund desires to give their funds to deserving students. It’s your job to properly sell yourself so SGASF knows why you are the right choice to receive a scholarship. Build a profile that stands out, one that showcases your originality, your character, and your drive to be successful. These factors will be enough to push you over the edge to help you earn the money needed for post-secondary school.

Harrisburg Section of the American Society of Highway Engineers (ASHE) Scholarship - Due 2/14/2025

The Harrisburg Section of the American Society of Highway Engineers (ASHE) is pleased to announce the continuation of its scholarship program for the 2025 calendar year. Each year we seek to provide scholarships to exceptional high school and college students who intend to join the highway industry in the future.

Hanover Garden Club - Due  02/15/2025

High school seniors and college students who meet the following criteria may apply for a $3,000 scholarship sponsored by the Hanover Garden Club.

American Legion Auxiliary Americanism Essay Contest - Due 02/20/2025

Each year, The American Legion Auxiliary sponsors and Americanism Essay Contest for students in grades 3-12.  including students with special needs.  Grade level are divided into 6 classes.  One award in each of the six classes will be presented in each division.  Winner will receive $50 and a $50 donation in the student's name will be made to the Children of Warriors National Presidents' Scholarship Fund.  Please see Ms. Howard in the Counseling Office for an application. 

2025 Spring Grove Music Booster Scholarship Award - Due 02/28/2025

The Spring Grove Music Booster Scholarship Award is a one year non-renewable award. This award may be used for any post high school course of study, pursued at a college, university, technical, or business school. This award must be used in the next academic year. Up to ten scholarships will be awarded, with amounts ranging from $500-$1,500, based on application scores.

Garden Club of York - Due 02/28/2025

The Garden Club of York will be awarding up to six $2000 scholarships for the 2025-26 school year.  In order to qualify, students must be majoring in one of the following areas: biology, horticulture, landscape architecture, conservation, forestry, botany, agronomy, plant pathology, land management, wildlife services, environmental studies, rural and urban planning. Students must be York County residents and maintain high academic standing and have apparent financial need.

The Pennsylvania Society’s Benjamin Franklin Scholar Award - Due 02/28/2025

We are pleased to announce that The Pennsylvania Society’s Benjamin Franklin Scholar Award for Pennsylvania public school juniors is currently accepting 2025 submissions!  The scholarship offers a first-place prize of $6,000, a second-place prize of $4,000, and a third-place prize of $2,000.  All information for this year’s contest and past winning essays can be found here. The deadline for submission is Friday, February 28, 2025.

Elton "Miller" Peterman Scholarship Program - Due 3/1/2025

Belco’s 2025 scholarship application is Now Open! Belco is proud to recognize the achievements of deserving students and support their continued education and training. Our annual scholarship program is an important part of our credit union’s commitment to giving back to the communities we serve.

Horatio Alger Scholarship - Due 03/01/2025

Horatio Alger Association administers over 70 scholarship programs, offering opportunities for students in various stages of their academic careers to achieve their educational goals and realize their potential. Please note, in order for an application to be considered complete, the applicant's counselor must complete a Certification Form online. 

Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Scholarship Application - Due 3/1/2025

We have established a scholarship of $500 to assist a worthy York County High School senior who will attend a college or university in pursuit of a teaching career.

Dudley & Sylvia Kramer Memorial Scholarship Application - Due 3/2/2025

The Dudley & Sylvia Kramer Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually by The Arc of York & Adams Counties.  The Arc of York & Adams Counties has been serving individuals with intellectual disabilities and their families since 1952.  Applicants should be currently engaged in an educational pursuit with a goal of working with persons with intellectual disabilities.  The student may also currently be working with persons with intellectual disabilities.

2025 Orrstown Bank Foundation Scholarship - Due 03/05/2025

We are now accepting 2025 Orrstown Bank Foundation Scholarship Applications for all graduating high school seniors. Each year, Orrstown Bank awards multiple scholarships.  Our scholarship application will now be completed and submitted entirely online. Scholarship applications must be submitted no later than Friday, March 5, 2025. Winners will be notified in May.

ABC Keystone’s Merit Shop Training & Research Center Scholarship - Due 03/07/2025

The Merit Shop Training and Research Center (MSTRC) Scholarships are designed to support post-secondary education in the construction industry. The MSTRC was established several years ago by ABC Keystone as a non-profit fund whose mission is to provide financial assistance to students who have chosen construction-related careers. The Center is funded by members of the Chapter, who have taken the responsibility of being proactive in assisting men and women in their preparation for this industry.

Jeanette Cartwright Memorial Scholarship - Due 3/15/2025

Each spring, in memory of its co-founder, Jeanette Cartwright, H.O.P.E. awards academic scholarships to deserving high school seniors. The award is based on financial need and a history of cancer in the student’s immediate family.

Rotary Club of York and the York Rotary Foundation - Due 03/15/2025

The York Rotary Foundation provides financial support for the academic success of York students seeking higher education.  Thanks to the generous support of Club members, York Rotary Scholarships have been established to reward the academic success, community service, and student determination of York residents attending college, university, trade, or technical school.

Students wishing to apply for York Rotary Scholarships should click on the link for more information and to complete an online application. The application process will open on January 1 and will close on March 15.


York County Hispanic Coalition Scholarship - Due 03/21/2025

The York County Hispanic Coalition proudly celebrates 30 years of awarding scholarships to deserving Hispanic/Latino High School Seniors in York County!  The York County Hispanic Coalition’s scholarship program may be able to help you achieve your goal of pursuing an undergraduate degree or trades certification.  

LIU12 2025 Future Educators Scholarships - Due 03/21/2025

Graduating seniors in Adams, Franklin, and York counties who plan to pursue a career in education and/or work with individuals with special needs are encouraged to apply now for one of the LIU12 2025 Future Educators Scholarships.   Applications will be accepted  starting 1/20/25 and will remain open through 3/21/25.  Winners will be announced on the LIU website and through email by 4/1/25.

BETA DELTA Chapter Scholarship Application - Due 03/24/2025

This scholarship is for any interested female seniors who are planning to attend a college or university after graduation and major in education. The applicant must be graduating from one of the following Pennsylvania high schools: Dover, Hanover, Spring Grove, South Western, or West York.

Hanover Kiwanis Foundation Scholarship - Due 03/25/2025

The Hanover Kiwanis Club is offering four $2000 scholarships this year which will be used toward college tuition.  Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of the student's financial need, academic record, school and community activities.  Please see Ms. Howard in the counseling office for an application.

York Opioid Collaborative Strength over Addiction Scholarship - Due 03/28/2025

The Strength over Addiction Scholarship selection committee within the York Opioid Collaborative will award at a minimum two $2,500 scholarships ($1,250/semester). This is a one-time scholarship for selected students.  Please see Ms. Howard in the counseling office for an application.

York County Youth Mental Health Alliance - Due 3/30/2025

The York County Youth Mental Health Alliance is pleased to offer two $1500 scholarships to graduating high school seniors from York County Pennsylvania who have been a member of a school club that promotes mental health education and support. Scholarship applicants must be enrolling in an accredited post-secondary institution (2- or 4-year college or technical/trade school that accepts private scholarships) following high school graduation.

2025 Conewago Enterprises Charitable Foundation Scholarship - due 03/31/2025

Over the past 18 years, Conewago has provided 77 scholarships totaling $1,450,000 to high school graduates seeking to pursue a career in the construction industry or related trades.  In 2025, we will be offering 7 scholarships totaling $120,000. The deadline to apply for this year’s scholarship is March 31, 2025. For full details and qualifications or to fill out an application, please click on the link above.

American Legion Auxiliary Scholarship - Due 04/01/2025

The AFFY Council scholarship will be awarded to two high school students entering either a two or four year college, trade school or business school following graduation.  The award will be presented each year to two students in the amount of $1,000 each.  The award will be in payments of $500.00 each semester of their first year.  Please see Ms. Howard in the counseling office for an application.

The Randy Rebert Memorial Scholarship - Due 4/1/2025

The Randy Rebert Softball Scholarship is created in memory of Coach Randy and his passion for girls softball. Randy began his coaching career with his daughter, Veronica, in a local rec league and continued to coach rec league ball until 2020. He also coached high school softball at both the Junior Varsity and Varsity levels for 12 years after his daughter’s graduation. Randy coached travel ball for several organizations and also created/managed his own travel ball team. His impact reached across the tri-county area of York – Adams – Lancaster Counties. 

Epilepsy Association - Due 04/07/2025

The EAWCP has offered a scholarship program since 2001. Each year a number of scholarships are available ranging from $1,000 to $1,500 depending on funding from private and corporate donations. At least five $1,000 scholarships funded by the EAWCP will be awarded.

To be eligible for the EAWCP Scholarship, a person must: have a diagnosis of epilepsy/seizure disorder, provide proof of acceptance to a post-secondary academic or vocational program, be a high school senior, attend school full-time, and be a legal resident of western/central Pennsylvania. 

Spring Grove Lions Club Scholarship - Due 4/10/2025

The Spring Grove Lions Club announces its thirty-third annual scholarship program for students residing in the Spring Grove Area School District who are graduating from high school this year. All high school seniors are eligible for this award regardless of the school they attend. Approximately $1,000 in scholarships will be awarded by the club this year.

Students wishing to enter the scholarship program must write an essay of no more than three (3) typed double spaced pages on the topic, How I Can Use My Studies as a(n) _______ to Advance the Goals of Lionism. Each entry must have a cover page that includes the applicant’s name, home address, phone number, high school, and the post high school institution the applicant is planning to attend. The essay must not include the applicant’s name or any identifying information. All essays will be read and evaluated by the Spring Grove Lions Club Scholarship Committee and their decision will be final. All entries will become the property of the Spring Grove Lions Club and cannot be returned. Entries must be postmarked before midnight, April 10, 2025 and received by the committee by April 15, 2025.

Judging will be based on how well the essay addresses the required topic, clarity of thought, grammatical correctness, and overall appearance. Special attention needs to be focused on an understanding of what Lions clubs do to help those in need around the world. Information about Lions International can be found at and our local website. Questions concerning the scholarship program or the essay may be addressed to Michael Sterner at the address below. Results of the judging will be forwarded to the winning applicant’s school in time for their graduation ceremony. Every applicant will be advised of the committee’s decision on or before May 12, 2025. Formal acknowledgment by the Spring Grove Lions Club will take place during one of its summer meetings.

Applications and questions should be addressed to:
Michael Sterner
307 Leedy Rd.
Spring Grove, PA 17362

Starview Sportsmen's Scholarship - Due 4/15/2025

The Club has authorized the awarding of up to five $1000 scholarships annually to deserving students whose chosen major in college “will enhance and promote the sports of hunting, fishing, and trapping.”

Stolte Scholarship Fund - Due 04/25/2025

The Stolte Scholarship Fund provides a one-time grant of $1,000.00 to an individual pursuing a career in the field of ministry, missions, or humanitarian service.  Interested applicants must be residents of the greater Hanover area and be a high school senior, college student or seminary student.  They should be active members of a church, display good moral character, and exhibit high scholastic ability.  Please see Ms. Howard in the counseling office for an application.

Honors Graduation - Build A Better Future - Due 4/27/2025

Ever wondered just how much of a difference high school students can make in their communities? Through our scholarship program, our past winners have proven it can be profound. That’s why our 2025 Build A Better Future scholarship will also be a design thinking community improvement project based on the LAUNCH Cycle. We will award $10,000 to five new seniors, with the top recipient receiving an additional $5,000 grant to continue funding their project.